Unlimited Tire Changing Products

Welcome to KBJUnlimited.com

The home of the Unlimited Duckhead attachment for your manual car tire changer and your motorcycle tire changer.


Convert Your Manual Tire Changer To Use A Duckhead

  • Convert Your Harbor Freight Tire Changer To Use a Duckhead

    Kits available
  1. Slide 1
  2. Slide 2
  3. Slide 3
  4. Slide 4
  5. Slide 5

Convert Your Harbor Freight Tire Changer To Use a Duckhead

Wheel Centering Cones,Extra Hands, Peg & Pad Conversions and 24" Tire Lever

Duckhead on Alloy Motorcycle Wheel

Duckhead on Alloy Car Rim

Duckhead Arm with Arm Extension Fitted

See The Unlimited Tire Changer In Use